78. P. Goyette, É. Boulais, F. Normandeau, G. Laberge, D. Juncker, and T. Gervais, Microfluidic multipoles: theory and applications, Nature Communications, 1781 (2019).
77. K.F.A. Clancy, S. Dery, V. Laforte, P. Shetty, D. Juncker, D.V. Nicolau, Protein microarray spots are modulated by patterning method, surface chemistry and processing conditions, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 130, 397-407 (2019).
76. J.D. Munzar, A. Ng, D. Juncker, Duplexed aptamers: history, design, theory, and application to biosensing, Chemical Society Reviews, 48, 1390-1419 (2019).
75. J.A. Hernández-Castro, K. Li, J. Daoud, D. Juncker, and T. Veres, Two-level submicron high porosity membranes (2LHPM) for the capture and release of white blood cells (WBCs), Lab on a Chip, 19, 589-597 (2019).
74. M. Dagher, M.Kleinman, A. Ng, and D. Juncker, Ensemble multicolour FRET model enables barcoding at extreme FRET levels, Nature Nanotechnology, 13, 925-932 (2018).
73. A. Olanrewaju, M. Beaugrand, M. Yafia, and D. Juncker, Capillary microfluidics in microchannels: from microfluidic networks to capillaric circuits, Lab on a Chip, 18, 2323-2347 (2018).
72. M. Qasaimeh, M. Pyzik, M. Astolfi, S. Vidal, D. Juncker, Neutrophil Chemotaxis in Moving Gradients, Advanced Biosystems, 1700243 (2018).
71. P. Zimny, D. Juncker, W. Reisner, Hydrogel droplet single-cell processing: DNA purification, handling, release, and on-chip linearization, Biomicrofluidics, 12, 024107 (2018).
Featured on the front cover of Biomicrofluidics volume 12, issue 2.
70. J. D. Munzar, A. Ng, and D. Juncker, Comprehensive profiling of the ligand binding landscapes of duplexed aptamer families reveals widespread induced fit, Nature Communications, 9, 343 (2018).
69. H. Li, S. Bergeron, H. Larkin, and D. Juncker, Snap Chip for Cross-reactivity-free and Spotter-free Multiplexed Sandwich Immunoassays, Journal of Visualized Experiments, e56230 (2017).
67. H. Li, G. Brewer, G. Ongo, F. Normandeau, A. Omeroglu, and D. Juncker, Immunohistochemistry Microarrays, Analytical Chemistry, 89, 8620-8625 (2017).
66. A.A. Gopal, S.G. Ricoult, S.N. Harris, D. Juncker, T.E. Kennedy, and P.W. Wiseman, Spatially Selective Dissection of Signal Transduction in Neurons Grown on Netrin-1 Printed Nanoarrays via Segmented Fluorescence Fluctuation Analysis, ACS Nano, 11, 8131-8143 (2017).
65. V. Laforte, P. S. Lo, H. Li, D. Juncker, Antibody Colocalization Microarray for Cross-Reactivity-Free Multiplexed Protein Analysis, Methods Mol Biol. 2017, 1619, 239-61.
64. A.O. Olanrewaju, A. Ng, P. Decorwin-Martin, A. Robillard, and D. Juncker, Microfluidic Capillaric Circuit for Rapid and Facile Bacteria Detection, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(12), 6846-6853.
63. J.A. Hernández-Castro, K. Li, A. Meunier, D. Juncker, and T. Veres, Fabrication of large-area polymer microfilter membranes and their application for particle and cell enrichment, Lab Chip, 2017, 17, 1960-1969.
62. H. Li, R. Popp, M. Chen, E.M. MacNamara, D. Juncker, and C.H. Borchers, Bead-Extractor Assisted Ready-to-use reagent System (BEARS) for immunoprecipitation coupled to MALDI-MS, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 3834-3839.
61. J.D. Munzar, A. Ng , M. Corrado and D. Juncker, Complementary Oligonucleotides Regulate Induced Fit Ligand Binding in Duplexed Aptamers, Chemical Science, 2017, 8, 2251-2256.
60. R. E. C. Lee, M. A. Qasaimeh, X. Xia, D. Juncker and S. Gaudet, NF-κB signalling and cell fate decisions in response to a short pulse of tumour necrosis factor, Scientific Reports, 6, 39519 (2016).
59. D. MacNearney, B. Mak, G. Ongo, T. E. Kennedy, and D. Juncker, Nanocontact printing of proteins on physiologically soft substrates to study cell haptotaxis, Langmuir, 32, 13525-13533 (2016).
58. B. Jia, T.-L. Wee, C. G. Boudreau, D. J. Berard, A. Mallik, D. Juncker, C. M. Brown, and S. R. Leslie, Parallelized Cytoindentation Using Convex Micropatterned Surfaces, BioTechniques, 61, 73-82 (2016).
57. A. O. Olanrewaju, A. Robillard, M. Dagher and D. Juncker, Autonomous Microfluidic Capillaric Circuits Replicated from 3D-Printed Molds, Lab on a Chip, 16, 3804-3814, (2016).
56. A. Meunier, J.A. Hernández-Castro, K. Turner, K. Li, T. Veres, and D. Juncker, Combination of mechanical and molecular filtration for enhanced enrichment of circulating tumor cells, Analytical Chemistry, 88, 8510–8517 (2016).
55. S. Bergeron, V. Laforte, P. S. Lo, H. Li, and D. Juncker, Evaluating Mixtures of 14 Hygroscopic Additives to Improve Antibody Microarray Performance, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407, 8451-8462 (2015).
54. A. Tamayol, A. H. Najafabadi, B. Aliakbarian, E. Arab-Tehrany, M. Akbari, N. Annabi, D. Juncker, and A. Khademhosseini, Hydrogel Templates for Rapid Manufacturing of Bioactive Fibers and 3D Constructs. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4, 2146-2153 (2015).
Featured on the inside front cover of Advanced Healthcare Materials volume 4, issue 14.
53. E. W. Tekwa, D. Nguyen, D. Juncker, M. Loreau, and A. Gonzalez. Patchiness in a Microhabitat Chip Affects Evolutionary Dynamics of Bacterial Cooperation. Lab on a Chip, 15, 3723-3729 (2015).
52. M. Safavieh, M. A. Qasaimeh, A. Vakil, D. Juncker, and T. Gervais. Two-aperture microfluidic probes as flow dipoles: theory and applications. Scientific Reports, 5, 11943 (2015).
51. H. Li, J. D. Munzar, A. Ng, and D. Juncker. A Versatile Snap Chip for High-Density Sub-Nanoliter Chip-to-Chip Reagent Transfer. Scientific Reports, 5, 11688 (2015).
50. T. F. W. Sloan, M. A. Qasaimeh, D. Juncker, P. T. Yam, and F. Charron. Integration of Shallow Gradients of Shh and Netrin-1 Guides Commissural Axons. PLoS Biology, 13, e1002119 (2015).
49. S.G. Ricoult SG, T.E. Kennedy and D. Juncker. Substrate-bound protein gradients to study haptotaxis. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 3 (2015).
48. H. Li, S. Bergeron, M. G. Annis, P. M. Siegel, and D. Juncker. Serial Analysis of 38 Proteins During the Progression of Human Breast Tumor in Mice Using an Antibody Colocalization Microarray. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 14, 1024-1037 (2015).
47. G. Zhou, S. Bergeron, and D. Juncker. High Performance Low-Cost Antibody Microarrays Using Enzyme Mediated Silver Amplification. Journal of Proteome Research, 14 (2015).
Featured on GenomeWeb: McGill Team Describes Novel, Antibody Array Method for Lower-cost Protein Detection
46. H. N. Roman, D. Juncker, and A.-M. Lauzon. A Microfluidic Chamber to Study the Dynamics of Muscle Contraction Specific Molecular Interactions. Analytical Chemistry, 87, 2582-2587 (2015).
45. S. G. Ricoult, A. Sanati Nezhad, M. Knapp-Mohammady, T. E. Kennedy, and D. Juncker. Humidified Microcontact Printing of Proteins: Universal Patterning of Proteins on Both Low and High Energy Surfaces. Langmuir, 30, 12002–12010 (2014).
44. G. Ongo, S. G. Ricoult, T. E. Kennedy, and D. Juncker. Ordered, Random, Monotonic, and Non-Monotonic Digital Nanodot Gradients. PLoS ONE, 9, e106541 (2014).
43. R. Safavieh, A. Tamayol, and D. Juncker. Serpentine And Leading Edge Capillary Pumps For Microfluidic Capillary Systems. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 18, 357-366 (2014)
42. M. Akbari, A. Tamayol, V. Laforte, N. Annabi, A. H. Najafabadi, A. Khademhosseini, and D. Juncker. Composite Living Fibers for Creating Tissue Constructs Using Textile Techniques. Advanced Functional Materials, 24, 4060–4067 (2014).
41. S. Ghorbanian, M. A. Qasaimeh, M. Akbari, A. Tamayol, and D. Juncker. Microfluidic Direct Writer with Integrated Declogging Mechanism for Fabricating Cell-Laden Hydrogel Constructs. Biomedical Microdevices, 16, 387-395 (2014).
40. D. Juncker, S. Bergeron, V. Laforte, and H. Li. Cross-Reactivity in Antibody Microarrays and Multiplexed Sandwich Assays: Shedding Light on the Dark Side of Multiplexing. Current Opinion In Chemical Biology, 18, 29-37 (2014).
39. S. G. Ricoult, G. Thompson-Steckel, J. P. Correia, T. E. Kennedy, and D. Juncker. Tuning Cell-Surface Affinity to Direct Cell Specific Responses to Patterned Proteins. Biomaterials, 35, 727–736 (2014).
Featured in Lab-on-a-Chip Highlights: Peter Tseng, Anja Kunze, Harsha Kittur and Dino Di Carlo. Microtechnologies for engineering the cellular environment. Lab on a Chip, 14, 1226-1229 (2014).
38. R. Safavieh and D. Juncker. Capillarics: Pre-Programmed, Self-Powered Circuits Built from Microfluidic Capillary Elements. Lab on a Chip, 13, 4180 - 4189 (2013).
Highlighted as a "Hot Article" in Lab on a Chip, 13 (21).
Featured on "Inside Front Cover" of Lab on a Chip, 13 (21).
37. D. Juncker, A. R. Wheeler, and D. Sinton. Editorial: Lab on a Chip Canada – Rapid Diffusion Over Large Length Scales. Lab on a Chip, 13, 2438 – 2440 (2013).
36. S. G. Ricoult, M. Pla-Roca, R. Safavieh, G. M. Lopez-Ayon, P. Grütter, T. E. Kennedy, and D. Juncker. Large Dynamic Range Digital Nanodot Gradients of Biomolecules Made by Low-Cost Nanocontact Printing for Cell Haptotaxis. Small, 9, 3308 – 3313 (2013).
Highlighted on the cover of Small, 19/2013, 9: 3186.
Highlighted in Lab on a Chip, 2013, 13, 3148
35. A. Tamayol, M. Akbari, N. Annabi, A. Paul, A. Khademhosseini, and D. Juncker. Fiber-Based Tissue Engineering: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities. Biotechnology Advances, 31, 669 - 687 (2013).
34. M. A. Qasaimeh, S. G. Ricoult, and D. Juncker. Microfluidic Probes for Use in Life Sciences and Medicine. Lab Chip, 13, 40 - 50 (2013).
Highlighted as one of the top ten most accessed Lab on a Chip articles in April to July 2013
33. G. Zhou, X. Mao, and D. Juncker. Immunochromatographic Assay on Thread. Analytical Chemistry, 84, 7736 - 7743 (2012).
32. K. Metera, K. Hanni, G. Zhou, M. Nayak, H. Bazzi, D. Juncker, and H. Sleiman. Luminescent Iridium(III)-Containing Block Copolymers: Self-Assembly into Biotin-Labeled Micelles for Biodetection Assays. ACS Macro Letters, 1, 954 - 959 (2012).
31. N. Pekas, Q. Zhang, and D. Juncker. Electrostatic Actuator with Liquid Metal–Elastomer Compliant Electrodes used for On-Chip Microvalving. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22, 097001 (2012).
30. H. Li, S. Bergeron, and D. Juncker. Microarray-to-Microarray Transfer of Reagents by Snapping of Two Chips for Cross-Reactivity-Free Multiplex Immunoassays. Analytical Chemistry, 84, 4776-4783 (2012).
Featured in Chemical & Engineering News
29. S. G. Ricoult, J. S. Goldman, D. Stellwagen, D. Juncker, and T. E. Kennedy. Generation of MicroIsland Cultures using Microcontact Printing to Pattern Protein Substrates. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 208, 10 – 17 (2012)
28. M. Pla-Roca, R. F. Leulmi, S. Tourekhanova, E. Moreau, V. Laforte, S. Goselin, N. Bertos, M. Hallett, M. Park, and D. Juncker. Antibody Colocalization Microarray: A Scalable Technology for Multiplex Protein Analysis in Complex Samples. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 11, M111.011460 (2012).
Highlighted in the Montreal Gazette and syndicated in over 10 other news outlets in Canada
Also featured in online news and scientific websites including: McGill Newsroom, Science Daily, Futurity, Nanowerk, The Engineer Online, Technorati, Fierce Biomarkers, The Times of India, and Forest Science News (in Japanese).
27. M. A. Qasaimeh, T. Gervais, and D. Juncker. Microfluidic Quadrupole and Floating Concentration Gradient. Nature Communications, 2, 464 (2011).
See also highlight in the The Scientist magazine
See highlights in more than 60 news and scientific websites, notably on Futurity, Nature Asia-Pacific, Science Daily, McGill University, Medical Device Daily, and PhysOrg
26. W. Luo, M. Pla-Roca, and D. Juncker. Taguchi Design-Based Optimization of Sandwich Immunoassay Microarrays for Detecting Breast Cancer Biomarkers. Analytical Chemistry, 83, 5767–5774 (2011)
25. R. Safavieh, G. Zhou, and D. Juncker. Microfluidics Made of Yarns and knots: From Fundamental Properties to Simple Networks and Operations. Lab on a Chip, 11, 2618 - 2624 (2011).
Highlighted in Lab Chip, 2011, Advance Article research highlight
24. B. Corgier and D. Juncker. Polymeric Microfabricated Electrochemical Nanoprobe with Addressable Electrodes. Sensors and Actuators B, 157, 691-696 (2011).
23. H. Li, R. F. Leulmi, and D. Juncker. Hydrogel Droplet Microarrays with Trapped Antibody-Functionalized Beads for Multiplexed Protein Analysis. Lab on a Chip, 11, 528 - 534 (2011).
Third most accessed article in December 2010 from the online version of Lab on a Chip
22. C. M. Perrault, M. A. Qasaimeh, T. Brastaviceanu, K. Anderson, Y. Kabakibo, and D. Juncker. Integrated Microfluidic Probe Station. Review of Scientific Instruments, 81, 115107 (2010).
21. M. Mirzaei, M. Pla-Roca, R. Safavieh, E. Nazarova, M. Safavieh, H. Li, J. Vogel, and D. Juncker. Microfluidic Perfusion System for Culturing and Imaging Yeast Cell Microarrays and Rapidly Exchanging Media. Lab on a Chip, 10, 2449 - 2457 (2010).
See also profile on David Juncker Lab Chip, 2010, 10, 2323-2333 Emerging Investigators
20. J. Bourbeillon, S. Orchard, I. Benhar, C. Borrebaeck, A. de Daruvar, S. Dübel, R. Frank, F. Gibson, D. Gloriam, N. Haslam, T. Hiltker, I. Humphrey-Smith, M. Hust, D. Juncker, M. Koegl, Z. Konthur, B. Korn, S. Krobitsch, S. Muyldermans, P. Nygren, S. Palcy, B. Polic, H. Rodriguez, A. Sawyer, M. Schlapshy, M. Snyder, O. Stoevesandt, M. J. Taussig, M. Templin, M. Uhlen, S. van der Maarel, C. Wingren, H. Hermjakob, D. Sherman. Minimum Information About a Protein Affinity Reagent (MIAPAR). Nature Biotechnology, 28, 650-653 (2010).
19. M. Pla-Roca, R. F. Leulmi, H. Djambazian, S. Sundararajan, and D. Juncker. Addressable Nanowell Arrays Formed Using Reversibly Sealable Hybrid Elastomer-Metal Stencils. Analytical Chemistry, 82, 3848–3855 (2010).
18. R. Safavieh, M. Pla Roca, M. Qasaimeh, M. Mirzaei, and D. Juncker. Straight SU-8 Pins. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20, 055001 (2010).
17. N. Pekas, Q. Zhang, M. Nannini, and D. Juncker. Wet-etching of Structures With Straight Facets and Adjustable Taper Into Glass Substrates. Lab on a Chip, 10, 494 - 498 (2010).
16. A. Queval, N. R. Ghattamaneni, C. M. Perrault, R. Gill, M. Mirzaei, R. A. McKinney, and D. Juncker. Chamber and Microfluidic Probe for Microperfusion of Organotypic Brain Slices. Lab on a Chip, 10, 326 - 334 (2010).
See also Lab Chip, 2010, 10, 269 - 270, research highlights
15. C.M. Perrault, M.A. Qasaimeh, D. Juncker. The Microfluidic Probe: Operation and Use for Localized Surface Processing. Journal of Visualized Experiments, e1418, (2009).
14. R Mishra, S. K. Gupta, K. F. Meiri, M. Fong, P. Thostrup, D. Juncker and S. Mani. GAP-43 is key to mitotic spindle control and centrosome-based polarization in neurons. Cell Cycle, 7, 348-357 (2008).
13. S. Schmid, M. Wendlandt, D. Juncker, and C. Hierold. Nonconductive Polymer Microresonators Actuated by the Kelvin Polarisation Force. Applied Physics Letters, 89, 163506 (2006).
12. E. Delamarche, D. Juncker, and H. Schmid. Microfluidics for Processing Surfaces and Miniaturizing Biological Assays. Advanced Materials, 17, 2911 -2933 (2005).
11. D. Juncker, H. Schmid, and E. Delamarche. Multipurpose Microfluidic Probe. Nature Materials, 4, 622–628 (2005).
News in A-page magazine: 'Mobile Microfluidic Probe Unleashed', Anal. Chem. 77, 2005, 59A.
10. S. Oberti, A. Stemmer, D. Juncker, U. Dürig, and H. Schmid. Microsqueeze Force Sensor Useful as Contact-Free Profilometer and Viscometer. Applied Physics Letters, 86, 063508, 2005.
9. S. Cesaro-Tadic, G. Dernick, D. Juncker, G. Buurmann, H. Kropshofer, B. Michel, C. Fattinger, and E. Delamarche. High-Sensitivity Miniaturized Immunoassays for Tumor Necrosis Factor a Using Microfluidic Systems. Lab on a Chip, 4, 563-569 (2004).
8. M. Wolf, D. Juncker, B. Michel, P. Hunziker and E. Delamarche. Simultaneous Detection of C-Reactive Protein and Other Cardiac Markers in Human Plasma Using Micromosaic Immunoassays and Self-Regulating Microfluidic Networks. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 19, 1193-1202 (2004).
7. D. Juncker, H. Schmid, U. Drechsler, H. Wolf, M. Wolf. B. Michel, N. de Rooij and E. Delamarche. Autonomous Microfluidic Capillary System. Anal Chem, 74, 6139-6144 (2002).
News in A-page magazine, Microfluidics Takes a Page from the Trees, Anal. Chem. 75, 2003, 14A.
6. J.P. Renault, A. Bernard, D. Juncker, B. Michel, H. R. Bosshard, and E. Delamarche. Fabricating Microarrays of Functional Proteins Using Affinity Contact Printing. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 41, 2320-2323 (2002).
5. D. Juncker, H. Schmid, A. Bernard, I. Caelen, B. Michel, N. de Rooij and E. Delamarche. Soft and Rigid Two-Level Microfluidic Networks for Patterning Surfaces. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 11, 532-541 (2001).
4. B. Michel, A. Bernard, A. Bietsch, E. Delamarche, M. Geissler, D. Juncker, H. Kind, J.-P. Renault, H. Rothuizen, H. Schmid, P. Schmidt-Winkel, R. Stutz, H. Wolf. Printing Meets Lithography: Soft Approaches to High Resolution Patterning. Chimia, 56, 527-542 (2001). (Reprint of the original article from the IBM J. Res. & Dev)
3. B. Michel, A. Bernard, A. Bietsch, E. Delamarche, M. Geissler, D. Juncker, H. Kind, J.-P. Renault, H. Rothuizen, H. Schmid, P. Schmidt-Winkel, R. Stutz, H. Wolf. Printing Meets Lithography: Soft Approaches to High Resolution Patterning. IBM Journal of Research & Development, 45, 697-719 (2001).
2. A. Papra, A. Bernard, D. Juncker, N. B. Larsen, B. Michel and E. Delamarche. Microfluidic Networks Made of Poly(dimethylsiloxane), Si, and Au coated with Polyethylene Glycol for Patterning Proteins onto Surfaces. Langmuir, 17, 4090-4095 (2001).
1. I. Caelen, A. Bernard, D. Juncker, B. Michel, H. Heinzelmann and E. Delamarche. Formation of Gradients of Proteins on Surfaces with Microfluidic Networks. Langmuir, 16, 9125-9130 (2001).
4. Laforte V, Lo PS, Li H, Juncker D, Antibody Colocalization Microarray for Cross-Reactivity-Free Multiplexed Protein Analysis, Methods Mol Biol. 2017, 1619, 239-61. PDF
3. M. Akbari, A. Tamayol, N. Annabi, D. Juncker , and A. Khademhosseini, Microtechnologies in fabrication of fibers for tissue engineering in A. van den Berg and L. Segerink "Microfluidics for Medical Applications" RSC publishing, (2014). PDF
1. M. Pla-Roca and D. Juncker, PDMS microfluidic capillary systems for patterning proteins on surfaces and performing miniaturized immunoassays, in A. Khademhosseini, M. Zourob, K.Y. Suh. “Biological microarrays” Humana Press, USA. (2010). PDF
11. R. Safavieh, D. Juncker
Yarn based microfluidic devices and use thereof, provisional patent, filed 30. October 2009
10. N. Pekas, D. Juncker,
Electrostatic actuated and hydraulic transmission by stretchable electrodes made of liquid metal alloy, provisional patent, June 23 2009
9. N. Pekas, Q. Zhang, M. Nannini, D. Juncker,
Method for controlling the cross-sectional profiles of structures etched in microstructurable substrates by controlling the rate of lateral removal of the protective mask, provisional patent, June 23 2009
8. D. Juncker, M. Pla
New protein microarray format, WPO patent filed 5 January 2009.
7. D. Juncker
New protein microarray format, provisional patent filed 2008.
6. D. Juncker, M. Nannini, V. Logiudice,
Electronic microfluidic valves and manufacturing thereof, US provisional patent application No 60/864,268, filed 2006.
5. D. Juncker, E. Delamarche, H. Schmid
Capillary system for controlling the flow rate of fluids, US 2008/0003572A1
4. D. Juncker, E. Delamarche, H. Schmid,
Confinement of fluids on surfaces US20050247673A1
3. D. Juncker, E. Delamarche, H. Schmid, B. Michel.
Method and Device for Flowing a Liquid on a Surface, WO04050246A1
2. D. Juncker, E. Delamarche, H. Schmid.
Confinement of Liquids on Surfaces, WO04050245A1
1. H. Schmid, D. Juncker, B. Michel, H. Wolf, and M. Geissler.
Patterning Mask and Method, US patent n° 2002/0166468 A1
97. Y. Chen, N. Douanne, T. Wu, I. Kaur, T. Tsering, A. Erzingatzian, A. Nadeau, D. Juncker, V. Nerguizian, J. V. Burnier, Leveraging nature’s nanocarriers: Translating insights from extracellular vesicles to biomimetic synthetic vesicles for biomedical applications, Sience Advances, 11, eads5249 (2025). PDF | SI