23. V. Laforte, K. Gambaro, P.S. Lo, V. Dumeaux, A. Rivet, J. Mouhanna, V. Kuta, B. Mesurolle, M. Park, M. Basik, S. Meterissian, D. Juncker. Targeted discovery of subtype-differentiating biomarkers for early diagnosis of breast cancer. HUPO 2015 Vancouver, British Columnbia, Canada. September 27-30, 2015
8. F. Fiorini, V. Laforte, J. Marcoux, and D. Juncker, High molecular weight dextran is safer and as reliable as currently used additives in cerebral microdialysis, The 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, San Diego, California, USA. November 9-13, 2013
3. R. Safavieh, A. Olanrewaju, and D.Juncker, Autonomous capillary microfluidic systems for time-sensitive delivery of multiple liquids, 1st Systems Biology Symposium on Atherosclerosis, McGill University, Montreal, May 2013 and CREATE-ISS Sensors Summer School, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, June 2013
2. K. Turner, A. Tamayol, A.M. Rafiqi, L.A. Nilson, E. Abouheif, and D. Juncker, Arraying Drosophila Melanogaster Embryos By Template-Assisted Self-Assembly and Suction Positioning, MMB 2013, The 7th International Conference on Microbiotechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Marina Del Rey, California. April 10-12, 2013
1. V. Laforte, S. Bergeron, H. Li, P.S. Lo, and D. Juncker, Antibody Colocalization Microarray (ACM): A Scalable, Cross-Reactivity-Free Nano-ELISA Platform for Proteomic Studies, Capitalize on the Convergence: Collaborations in Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Engineering, Montreal, QC, Canada. December 2012